Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Comic of the Week 2/8/2010 -- Catching up...

This week, I've been very slow getting around to things like drawing, building things, and practicing some animation techniques. I've got school work & projects to do; then there other things to tend to. I do give myself breaks and play some video games. I'll be on PS3 & Wii, most of the time.

Valentine's Day is this Sunday...I currently enjoy being single, but I'm still praying to God and searching for the right girl for me. I know he'll bring me to her or vice-versa, and if I keep my heart right, I'll realize that she is the one.


Thoughtless Comic: Original Posting 8/27/2009

J.Q., walks in backwards, then becomes forward with D.G. about his feelings for her.
How embarrassing...poor J.Q., but why does D.G. have to be so violent about it?
I suppose public places include "purple bumpy" alternate dimensions! I'm sure she'll get over it...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Comic of the Week 2/1/2010--Integris Project Update

A few of the Rose State video game and animation students, including me, are creating a project for cancer patients at the Integris Baptist Hospital Cancer Research Center. The planning of the project has been going very slowly, but I believe we finally have an idea on what to do.

First of all we'll be focusing on the Virtual Tour first. We're creating a shooting script for areas and sections inside the medical building to show to new patients. In that way, they can get a feel of what to expect when they first arrive to the hospital. We will be making it in Adobe Flash CS3/CS4 so it will be more web friendly. More details later on...

Afterward, we will be working on a "Cancer Blaster" game for the younger patients. This will be coded in XNA and it can be played either on the Xbox 360, or the PC. More details later on...

Then we will go back to the Virtual Tour and convert it into a scavenger hunt game. More details later on...

We are also making a card game along side these other projects. I suppose the gameplay would be similar to the Magic cards. Personally, I have no clue how to play it, but we've got people who understand the rules and are working on it all.

We are planning to have the virtual tour and a prototype of the card game completed by March 22nd.

Anyways, here's another comic I did a while back. Click the picture to view it larger.

Movie Mix-Up Comic: Original Posting: 5/1/2009

J.Q. finds a collectible video at a yard sale and wants to show it off to his friends (which most don't like B+ movie riffs). He definitely should have not trusted the VHS sleeve...(FYI: nickelodeon made orange VHS tapes!)

R.P. can cope with the swith-a-roo, but Kara knew best...